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Il potenziale religioso del bambino

Working on existence together with children implies a look and a listening that require incessant reflection. Chiara Brunello, in the book Il povero religioso del bambino. Percorsi di Irc ispirati a Sofia Cavalletti, invites us to enter the world of the religious sense in childhood and its educability. The publication is published in the open access digital series Triveneto Theology Press of the Theological Faculty of Triveneto, third volume of the Education section.

It is produced with the contribution of the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose of Padua and can be downloaded free of charge, in pdf format, from the website

Some psycho-pedagogical orientations, the thought of Maria Montessori first and foremost, but also the school of Mario Aletti and Maria Teresa Moscato, have considered the religious fact as a “psychic infrastructure” of the child, and therefore an integral part of childhood care. Sofia Cavalletti, with the Montessori pedagogue Gianna Gobbi, has created an active method, called “catechesis of the Good Shepherd”, based on the development of the religious potential of the child from three to six years, and from six to twelve. Chiara Brunello, a religion teacher with a degree in Religious Sciences at the Issr of Padua, describes and outlines the methods of application of the method, indicates its potential and limits; then attempts to validate its psycho-pedagogical legitimacy in light of the main theories on the religious sense of the child; finally, starting from the Irc regulations of the first cycle, highlights the plausibility of the method itself.


Index of the volume.

Preface by Michele Visentin

Introduction –

Chap. 1 Pedagogy of religious experience, twentieth-century perspectives: Montessori, Aletti, Moscato –

Chap. 2 The religious potential of the child and the catechesis of the Good Shepherd by Sofia Cavalletti, a Montessori-style method –

Chap. 3 The characteristics of the catechesis of the Good Shepherd –

Chap. 4 Application of the catechesis of the Good Shepherd for the IRC. The experience in the nursery school “Maria Immacolata” of Monteortone di Abano Terme (Pd) –

Chap. 5 Critical issues and developments of the method. The dialogue with the integrated system of education and instruction 0-6 and the new scenarios for the nursery school –

Chap. 6 Conclusion –

Annex 1: Nursery school “Maria Immacolata” of Monteortone di Abano Terme (Pd). Educational planning 2020-2021 Appendix 2: Photographic documentation

Bibliographic data

Chiara Brunello, The religious potential of the child. Irc paths inspired by Sofia Cavalletti

Series: Education, 3

Publisher: Stampa Teologica Triveneta

Pages: 163

ISBN code 979-12-81328-08-2


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All publications in the digital series Triveneto Theology Press are open access, in pdf format, downloadable for free from the site .

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