di Antony Christy Lourdunathan sdb
The Study intends to evolve an adequate theoretical scaffolding for Intercultural Catechetical Pedagogy (ICP), an emergent discipline defined in the first part of the Study as an approach within the process of education to faith, made possible as a result of a sustained encounter among the disciplines of Intercultural theology, Intercultural communication and Intercultural pedagogy. It presents ICP as an outcome of sustained life-defining interactions between Christian faith, local culture and the co-existing cultures in a community and as a pedagogical mindset which understands Christian Maturity, at one and the same time, as a process of deepening personal identities, fostering interpersonal meanings, developing enlightening interdependencies and promoting universal solidarity, grounded on a holistic vision of faith, rooted in a culture. The book presents, Intercultural Catechetical Pedagogy as a practical theologico-pedagogical communication of the good news of the Reign of God, which is an incomparable and undying promise to the entire humanity.
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