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Vademecum del direttorio per la catechesi

di Catherine ChevalierHenri Derroitte


Editore: Elledici

Collana: Strumenti per la catechesi

Data di Pubblicazione: dicembre 2021





Book Description

The Directory for Catechesis published in 2020 is a very authoritative text that will guide catechesis 
in the coming years and that needs to be studied and deepened. 
This text is an aid to reflection for parish priests, 
those responsible for catechesis and individual catechists. 
After a brief introduction on the historical journey that led to the elaboration 
of the first directors for catechesis, and on the reasons that led to the third edition of the Directory, 
the authors propose 12 chapters for as many fundamental themes, such as revelation and its transmission, 
the identity of catechesis, the figure of the catechist, his training, the pedagogy of the faith, 
the methodology also in the face of contemporary cultural scenarios ... 
Each chapter presents a brief introduction, the main ideas of the Directory, 
some reflections and insights and practical applications. Finally some questions to reflect personally 
or in the group of catechists. Valter Rossi presentation.
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